Xavier Services

We provide a range of multi-disciplinary services for children and young people with complex disability and related health needs and their families. From respite at Xavier Place to therapy and health supports, to helping children with play, getting out in their community or just being a kid. We provide the support and services to enable children and families to live their best lives possible.

Support Workers

Support Workers

In home and out of home 
individualised support.

Short Term Accommodation

Short Term Accommodation

Xavier Place, respite 
care and support.

children's disability


Care and support for children
with complex needs.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Helping children do more of 
the things that they love. 



Supporting children's movement 
and physical ability. 

Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy

Support for children's 
communication and feeding. 

Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Supporting therapeutic
goals through music. 

Art Therapy

Art Therapy

Equipment, Home and Vehicle Modifications

Equipment, Home and Vehicle Modifications

Advice and prescription on 
equipment and modifications.

Community Therapy Clinics

Community Therapy Clinics

Working with children and
families in your communities.

Inclusive childcare


Every child has the right to access mainstream childcare.