General good hygiene not only helps us to stay healthy but it also helps us to feel good too as it boosts self-esteem and confidence. This is true for all, including children and young people with disability.
How can I help my child with their personal hygiene?
For children and young people, it can help to break down the basics of good personal hygiene. They are:
Children and young people with a disability, will need help and support to practice good personal hygiene habits to the best of their ability. This will become even more important as they grow older and approach puberty.
Washing hands
Most germs are spread through hand contact. Regularly washing hands will prevent your child and others from getting sick. Encourage your child or young person to wash their hands with soap and water or alcoholic hand rub (70%) in all of the following scenarios:
Skin conditions
Skin conditions and symptoms in children with complex needs are common. Commonly occurring skin problems include itching, rashes, skin ulcers or skin infections. Skin symptoms are often attributed to an underlying medical condition, or complications related to treatment.
Some way to reduce skin irritation:
Oral Health
Oral health is so important for children with complex needs. Children who can’t undertake their own oral care, have poor oral intake and/or poor oral hygiene and have feeding and swallowing difficulties are susceptible to mouth problems. If your child is unwell or their immune system isn’t functioning as it should, they are more at risk of experiencing oral problems.
We’re here to help
Our nursing team are here to support families of children and young people with complex disability to manage their personal hygiene for better health. To find out how we can help call us on 1800 XAVIER, visit our nursing page or email