
Meet Allied Health Coordinator Catherine!

Meet Allied Health Coordinator Catherine!



Catherine is a familiar face to many Xavier families! With a background in nursing, Catherine joined Xavier seven years ago when she initially supported with administration and reception duties for Brisbane South.

After two years, she was snapped up by the Allied Health team to support the families receiving therapy services and the extensive team of clinicians.

Manager of Allied Health Robyn Last, reflects on the past five years and the pivotal role that Catherine has played in the growth of the Allied Health team as Allied Health Coordinator.

What is Catherine’s role?

As Allied Health Coordinator, Catherine ensures that our Allied Health services are delivered smoothly.

For new families, Catherine will allocate your therapist and as required, contact families to make initial appointments. Once families are allocated a therapist, Catherine is here to discuss any additional support needs and answer any questions families might have. She may help families to manage their appointments and funding, as well as problem solving any challenges that pop up along the way!

As well as helping our families, Catherine plays a vital role in supporting our clinicians behind the scenes. She helps to manage their diaries and ensure that they are where they need to be at the right time, and that we are supporting as many families as we can, either in-clinic or in the community.

What might a typical work day look like for Catherine?

There is no such thing! Catherine’s role is very varied and she takes it all in her stride and with a huge smile on her face! Catherine might be discussing client services, problem solving IT issues, shopping for therapy resources, working on reporting requirements and administration, the list goes on! 

We honestly can’t be thankful enough for the dedication and energy that Catherine brings to her role and for the support that she provides to Xavier families and our clinicians.