
Jessica launches Music Video!

Jessica Launches Music Video!



Our very own Jessica, a regular guest at Xavier Place, has co-created and directed a beautiful music video with Music Therapist Becca. Follow the link below to watch Jessica’s music video!


A cover of Jessica's favourite Harry Styles song "Matilda", the music video was three months in the making.


It all started after Jessica and Becca recorded an acoustic version of "Matilda", with Jess playing flute on an adapted iPad instrument. Then, when Jessica and Becca were watching Harry Styles, Becca asked Jess if she'd like to make her own music video. Jess communicated an enthusiastic "yes" through blinking and smiles and the rest, as they say, is history!

Jessica had direct input into how each section of the video would look and helped with filming.


And of course, staff and guests at Xavier Place were all keen to get involved in this exciting project!


Xavier Place staff and guests gathered recently for a “watch party” where Jessica premiered the final music video on the big screen.


Special thanks to our video stars Jessica, Emma, Zahra and Lottie.


We hope that you love "Matilda" as much as we do!