With the Winter holidays in full swing, your child may be spending more time at home. Cooler winter days spent cosying in are a great opportunity to fit in some at-home speech therapy.
What is Speech Therapy?
Speech therapy isn’t only about speech, it includes various methods of communication, both verbal and non-verbal. This includes speaking, listening, reading, writing, visual cues like images and objects, and more. Speech therapy supports development in the following areas:
Speech Therapy Activities
Activities that you can do with your child at home will help to support their formal speech therapy sessions. Here are just a few:
Where to find Xavier
Our Speech Therapy team support children and young people with disability who experience communication and feeding challenges. Our clinics are located in the following suburbs:
Our team can also provide therapy at your home or in community setting such as at school.
Find out more
For further info visit our Speech Therapy page or email